What the Transient Hour Brought Once and Only Once
Installation of prints and digitized 16mm film at Floristree Gallery in Baltimore, MD.
This exhibition was composed of scanned artifacts, mounted photos and projected film work pertaining to the sudden death of my former partner six months prior. The backs of polaroids we had taken together suspend a tactile record of our fingerprints, formed while the images developed. Scanned and magnified to 42x42 archival inkjet prints, they line the walls, expanding the record of his touch as enigmatic and impenetrable colorfields. They behave as subtley detailed thresholds that part the viewer from accessing sight of him. Each developed photo is mounted side by side in acrylic casing, some facing the viewer and some flipped, such that fragments of the original materials are present for inspection. Every aspect acknowledges that there is a side withholding. The prints tower across the edges of the room, inverting cathedral windows.
that I have broken into two is a hand-processed 16mm silent film created two months after Leland’s death. A double-exposed performance takes place through improvised interactions attempting at meeting across opposite sides of the frame, separated by a half-processing method using a tape resist which renders half of the film strip as a negative, and half as a positive. Part act of faith and part love letter, it attempts to reckon with an unreachable and uncertain other side.